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12/10 - 11/11/23

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Events: Text

Events: Text
HOUSE_poster new one .jpg
Events: Publications


Opening 12 of October 2023

Duration exhibition: 12 of October – 11 of November 2023 


Limassol Municipal Arts Centre - Apothikes Papadaki - Limassol, Cyprus 

Creative concept

Nine international artists have been invited to produce new work in which they reflect on the following questions:

What does "House" mean for us in daily practice or in ideality? Can we visualise the socio-economical, political or historical factors that influence our relation with the house we live in?

What makes a house into a home? Is a home still a physical place, or can it be replaced by a digital homepage in the clouds? 

What are the consequences of losing our home and being (voluntarily or by forcefully) detached from it?

Next to these questions the artists reflect on the following topics:

1) The house as a place where we grew up as a child.

To what extend is the house we grew up still influencing our work and current art practice? 

2) The house as a current reality. 

What is the genius loci, the spirit/atmosphere of the place we live in?  Is the house still a place where we can feel safe (my home is my castle), or do we feel more alienated and threatened by the unstable world outside. Do we see our house as a social gathering place, or as a sacred ivory tower where we withdraw from social life? Did the corona-lockdowns change our connection with the house we live in? 

3) The house as a utopian ideal 

What does our ideal house look like? Should this image remain an unfulfilled dream and desire, or do we actually strive to realise it? Do we see it as a lost paradise, a Garden of Eden that has to be commemorated, or restored or regained by revolution? Or do we have to construct it anew, out of an inner need and a logical consequence of evolution? 

Events: Text


27/05 - 09/07/2022

Events: Text
Events: Publications

Rolling hills, forests and ocean views form the landscape pictures of classical art, but every day we encounter soundscapes, cityscapes, mental landscapes, mediascapes and ideologies structured by careful (and often forceful) historical scaping.

The list goes on. In the widest sense, interpreting sensory stimuli is automatically creating recognisable scapes from abstract ones. As artists we are always shaping our environment, making new scapes, new vistas and ideas.

Scape is related to the Old Norse ‘skapa,’ which means to create, and it has survived in that form in the modern Nordic languages.

In Rescaping, artists from all over Europe – Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Italy and Cyprus –recreate their surroundings in various ways and examine the multitude of scapes that make up our world.
Rescaping is in part a continuation of Scaping, an exhibition made in Leipzig in autumn 2021. Every act of scaping requires chipping away, reorganising or adding material to create something new. But what does it mean to re-scape, then? Does one strive for improvement, difference for difference’s sake, or rather philosophic repetition in the Kierkegaardian sense, staying on the path so as not to stray?
Rescaping is presented by Limassol Municipal Arts Centre - Apothikes Papadaki in co-operation with Oasis Space for Visual Experimentation, funded by the i-Portunus programme of Creative Europe.

Exhibiting artists: Christina Papakyriakou (CY), Opsis (CY), Caroline H. Thon (DK),
Atli Bollason (IS), Alexia Achilleos (CY/FI), Nicolò Brezza (IT), Konstantina Achilleos
(CY/FI), Tuomas Venäläinen (FI).

Events: Text
Events: Publications


June 30 - July 6, 2018

Μέσω της μουσικής και της εικόνας επιχειρείται μία παρέμβαση στους εξωτερικούς χώρους.

Μία σύνθεση μουσικής και εικόνας που λειτουργεί ως παρέμβαση σε εξωτερικούς δημόσιους χώρους παρουσιάζει ο χώρος οπτικού πειραματισμού Όαση. Σε μια εποχή που κατακλυζόμαστε από πληροφορίες, πολλές φορές τόσες που είναι αδύνατο να αφομοιωθούν, η δράση αυτή με τίτλο «Σημειώσεις εν-όρασης», προσπαθεί να παίξει με τις αισθήσεις και να λειτουργήσει ως ένα ‘διαφημιστικό διάλειμμα’.

Η παρέμβαση «Σημειώσεις εν-όρασης» βασίζεται στο κείμενο του Rodrigo Garcia «Είστε όλοι σας καθάρματα», το οποίο με ποιητικό και πολιτικό χαρακτήρα, αποτελεί σκέψεις για τη ζωή και την στάση των ανθρώπων απέναντι σε υπαρξιακά ζητήματα.  Με τη χρήση τριών διαθλαστικών επιδιοσκοπείων (overhead projectors) και τη μουσικη, ζωντανεύουν εικόνες, τοπία και χρώματα, δημιουργώντας μια υπερεαλιστική αφήγηση, όπου η αποσπασματικότητα και ο ρυθμός έχουν κύριο ρόλο.


Live Visuals – Χριστίνα Παπακυριακού, Τζούλια Γεωργιάδου

Μουσική – Δημήτρης Σπύρου

Καλλιτεχνική Επιμέλεια – Κωνσταντίνα Peter

Γραφιστικά – Χρίστος Γεωργίου

Κατασκεύη – Γιώργος Μαυρογένους


30.06 και 01.07

Λεμεσός – Πλατεία Πανεπιστήμιου


Λευκωσία – Πλατεία Παλαιού Δημαρχείου


Πάφος – χώρος στάθμευσης απέναντι ξενοδοχείου ΚΙΝΥΡΑ

Είσοδος ελεύθερη

Ώρα έναρξης – 21:00

Σημειώσεις εν-όρασης
Events: Publications
Events: Publications
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